Environment & Energy
complement each other: Renewable Energies, Infrastructure Management and Environmental Management.
Biosmart, S.A.

• Development of projects to produce electricity from renewable sources;
• Energy efficiency studies;
• Electromechanical Engineering and Services in the Environmental Field;
• Provision of licensing services for lifting systems and equipment
(Decree-Law no. 50/2005);
• Manufacture and installation of tunnels for washing and sanitising
plastic packaging;
• Landfill management, treatment and recycling of Non-hazardous Waste;
• Operation and maintenance of water supply and wastewater systems;
• Water supply;
• Wastewater treatment;
• Composting;
• Valorisation of Organic Products;
• Valorisation of By-products.
Tel.: (+351) 244 749 100
Other locations: Ansião, Beja, Castelo Branco, Leiria, Maia and Messinesgeral@biosmart.ptwww.biosmart.pt
S.S. Bioenergias, S.A.

Bioenergias´ activity includes activities in areas such as:
Tel.: +351 749 100
Other location: Figueira da Fozinfo@bioenergias.ptwww.bioenergias.pt
Treciver, S.A.

Treciver - Gestão Ambiental, S.A., with management integrated at Lena Ambiente, has been establishing itself as a reference brand in the following fields:
- Waste Packaging;
- Waste Transportation;
- Waste Treatment;
- Waste Global Management;
- Container rental.
Tel.: (+351) 244 749 100
Other locations: Abrantes, Beja and Castelo Brancogeral@treciver.ptwww.treciver.pt