Industrial Mechanical Locksmithing Works for Águas do Ribatejo

News date: 18 October 2021

BioSmart was the entity selected, through a public tender, to provide Industrial Mechanical Locksmithing services in Águas do Ribatejo (AR – Águas do Ribatejo, E.I.M., S.A.,).

The object of this service contract concerns industrial equipment installed in water and sewage pumping stations; in water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants; and in the AR´s drinking water reservoirs, in all municipalities of this Management Entity (Chamusca, Alpiarça, Almeirim, Benavente, Salvaterra de Magos, Coruche and Torres Novas).

The services to be provided will be classified as Priority 1 (interventions on critical equipment for the operation of the facilities) and Priority 2 (interventions on equipment with an equipped reserve). Águas do Ribatejo´s mission is to ensure the continuous supply of drinking water and the drainage and treatment of wastewater for the approximately 150,000 inhabitants of the seven municipalities covered by the contract (Almeirim, Alpiarça, Benavente, Chamusca, Coruche, Salvaterra de Magos and Torres Novas).

The company, incorporated only with public capital from the municipalities, intervenes within the scope of the Intermunicipal Water Supply and Sanitation Systems of Lezíria do Tejo and Almonda, and has as its main flag the high sense of responsibility in protecting the environment and consequent environmental sustainability.